Interaction with the farmes of Pearlmillet at Khatav tahsil of Satara District
Swachhta Activity
Swachhta Activity
Webcasting Programme
Training Programme
Natural farming Workshop
Krishi Sanjeevani Saptah
Natural Farming Workshop at Rahimatpur
Audio Conference Programme
Awareness Program on Pradhanmatri Poshan Shakti Nirman Yojana
Awareness Program on Pradhanmatri Poshan Shakti Nirman Yojana
Krishi Sanjeevani Saptah at Banawadi
Celebration of 95th ICAR Foundation Day and Technology Day
Celebration of 95th ICAR Foundation Day and Technology Day
Field Visit to Frenchbean
FPO Meeting
Guidance on Frenchbean Production technology
Group Discussion on IMDM in Soybean
Celebration of World Honeybee Day
Celebration of 95th ICAR Foundation Day and Technology Day
Pre kharif Planning Meeting
Input distribution under Sugarcane White grub Management FLD
Turmeric OFT Field Visit
Distribution of Vegetable Kit to Farmers
Celebration of Krishi Din
Multimedia Exhibition at Mahableshwar
Guidance on Livestock Management for Assured income
Guidance on Livestock Management for Assured income
Method demonstration on prunning in Mango
International Year of Millet 2023: Millet Recipe Compitition
International Year of Millet 2023: Millet Recipe Compitition
International Year of Millet 2023: Millet Recipe Compitition
International Year of Millet 2023: Millet Recipe Compitition
Awareness Programme on Nano Urea
Field visit to fodder crop
Field visit to Soybean OFT
Webcasting programme of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme
Webcasting programme of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme
Training programme
Training programme on White Grub Management in Sugarcane
Training programme on Strawberry production technology
Training Programme
Training on Kahrif crop preparedness for EF of Phaltan State Agril. Department and Panchayat Samiti
Training Programme on PMFME Scheme
Awareness Program on Pradhanmatri Poshan Shakti Nirman Yojana
Photo Gallery 2022
Kisan Melawa
Animal Health Checkup and Vaccination Camp
Animal health Checkup camp
Audio conference on winter case of Livestock
Celebration of ICAR Day
Celebration of Mahila Kisan Din
Celebration of Poshan Maah- Awareness on bio-fortified varieties
Celebration of Poshan Maah- Webcasting of Hon. Minister of Agriculture address to farmers
Celebration of Poshan Maah-Distribution of Vegetable Seed Kit
Celebration of World Soil Day
Demonstration of Drone Technology
Diagnostic field visit to Suagarcane
Diagnostic Vist to farmers field
Distribution of Fodder Rooted Slips To Farmers Under Pasture Development And Soil Conservation, Watershed Development Programme in collaboration with Jalsamridhi Panlot Vikas Samiti, Kawathe
Dr. Kalyan Babar, SMS(FST) Addressing to farmers
Dr. Mahesh Babar, SMS(Agril. Extension) addressing to farmers
Dr. Swati Gurve, SMS(Plant protection )delivered lecture on IPM and IDM of different field crops at DAESI, Satara
Farmers visit to FrenchBean demonstration plot at KVK
Farmers Visit to Nutrional Garden
Felicitation of the State level Paddy Crop Competition First Rank winner farmer Shri. Sahebrao Manyaba Chikane
Lecture on IPDM of vegetable crops and Mushroom cultivation at Manghar( Madhache Gaon) Tal. Mahableshwar
Method demonstration of Seed treatment
Online webinar on Lumpy Skin Disease
Online Webinar on Mastitis in Milking Animals
Prof. Mohan Shirke, Programme Coordinator addressing to farmers
Ranbhaji Mohotstav
Shri. S. B. sakate delivered lecture on Precautions for Lumpy Skin Disease
Celebration of Soil Day :Students Ralley
Training programme for Extension functionaries on IDM and IPM of Rabbi crops under CROPSAP project
Training programme for Extension Functionaries on IPDM of Rabi crops under CROPSAP project
Training programme on Frenchbean production technology
Tree plantation under Krishi Sanjeevani Saptah
Two days training programme on Good Agricultural practices in Strawberry
Visit to FLD plot of Gram
Webcasting of Inauguration of PM Kisan Samman Sammelan, Agri- Startup Conclave and One Nation One Fertilizer Programme organized at IARI-PUSA, Delhi at KVK, Borgaon.